How to Set Up and Test a New MDB in Yamcs

This guide will walk you through integrating SCOS2000-based Mission Database (MDB) files with Yamcs. For additional reference, see the SCOS2k manual.


Install Maven

Yamcs uses Maven for dependency management and to run the server. To install Maven, follow the instructions for your operating system:

  1. Ubuntu/Debian:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install maven
  2. macOS (with Homebrew):

    brew install maven
  3. Windows: Download Maven, extract it, and add the bin directory to your PATH.

Verify the installation: bash mvn -version

Install Java 17

You can install Java 17 with the following command: sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk

If you have more than one Java version installed, you can pick the one you want to use with the following command: sudo update-alternatives --config java

Project Structure for MDB Integration

Clone the Yamcs quick start repo” git clone myproject

For more information, refer to the Yamcs Getting Started guide.

Make sure your project has the following organization for smooth MDB integration with Yamcs:

|-- pom.xml
|-- src
|   `-- main
|       |-- java
|       |   `-- com
|       |       `-- example
|       |           `-- myproject
|       |               |--
|       |               `--
|       `-- yamcs
|           |-- etc
|           |   |-- processor.yaml
|           |   |-- yamcs.myproject.yaml
|           |   `-- yamcs.yaml
|           `-- mdb
|               `-- xtce.xml
`-- testdata.ccsds

Steps to Add a New MDB

  1. Place the MDB Files
    Copy your MDB files into myproject/src/main/yamcs/mdb.

  2. Configure Yamcs for MIB Loading
    Edit myproject/src/main/yamcs/etc/yamcs.myproject.yaml to specify the MIB loader in the mdb section:

       - type: "org.yamcs.scos2k.MibLoader"
            path: "mdb/Scos2k_v0_2"
              vblParamLengthBytes: 1
              typeOffset: 7
              subTypeOffset: 8
              pus1DataOffset: 20
              vblParamLengthBytes: 0
  3. Add the Dependency
    In myproject/pom.xml, add the SCOS2k dependency in the <dependencies> section:

  4. Run Yamcs
    From your project directory, start Yamcs with Maven:

    cd myproject/
    mvn yamcs:run