Yamcs Overview


Yamcs is an open-source software for real-time mission control, providing tools for spacecraft and ground system operations.

Key Features

  • Telemetry Processing: Real-time telemetry data processing.
  • Telecommands: Command satellites or spacecraft.
  • Alarms & Notifications: Configurable alarms based on thresholds.
  • Data Replay: Allows mission data replay.
  • Standards Compliance: Supports CCSDS, CFDP, and XTCE standards.

Getting Started

To set up Yamcs, follow the Getting Started Guide covering installation, configuration, and basic usage.

Python Client

The Python Yamcs Client supports telemetry retrieval, commanding, and historical data access via Python for custom mission applications.

Extensions and Support

Yamcs is Java-based and extendable. Space Applications Services offers professional support, custom development, and training.

Flatsat set up

The current FlatSat setup is progressively integrating direct CAN messaging with YAMCS, including the capability to transmit commands via the radio link.

YAMCS, as the ground software, generates CAN-TCs to be delivered over the CAN bus. This process requires a mission database to define PUS services, which in our case is structured using the SCOS-2000 format.

Simultaneously, a library is being developed based on the YAMCS Python client. This library aims to provide a more user-friendly interface for developing test scripts.